If you have come to this blog, you are searching for information on UW Valley Medical Center (VMC) in Renton, Washington, looking for a review of a doctor that works there, or your loved one is hospitalized and you see the errors starting to happen (and your loved ones are vulnerable and have to trust). Many of you have searched for: lawsuits at UW VMC, medical malpractice at VMC, information on doctors Richard Wall, Suzanne Krell, Mary J Vancleave, Michael Hori, Wynne Chen, William Park, Daniel O’Neill, Fatime Goda, Joy Zhao, Duane Carlson, C Gabriel Alperovich, Michael Mena, Oliver Aalami, other UW VMC doctors, particular medical errors, hospital acquired bacteria, whistleblower and deaths at Valley Medical Center. I am also having a lot of folks searching on Medical Quality Assurance Commission (MQAC) complaints.
You have come to the right place.
If you or a loved one has been harmed by Valley Medical Center please contact me at karieturn@comcast.net.
If you have submitted complaints to the Department of Health in Washington State and those complaints have been ignored, again, please send me your story at karieturn@comcast.net; if you have a chance please fill out the survey on state medical boards that is currently being conducted by a local patient advocate, Yanling Yu, of Washington Advocates for Patient Safety. We need to join together in our next steps.
My son, Mark died at UW Valley Medical Center (VMC) due to a horrendous amount of hospital preventable adverse events – ERRORS that could have been prevented and Mark would be alive today. As others that have survived or lost loved ones due to hospital errors at VMC, you know our pain. You have emailed me your stories and the patterns of errors are all similar.
You have come to the right place.
If you or a loved one has been harmed by Valley Medical Center please contact me at karieturn@comcast.net.
If you have submitted complaints to the Department of Health in Washington State and those complaints have been ignored, again, please send me your story at karieturn@comcast.net; if you have a chance please fill out the survey on state medical boards that is currently being conducted by a local patient advocate, Yanling Yu, of Washington Advocates for Patient Safety. We need to join together in our next steps.
I am horrified for any and all people that have to be hospitalized at VMC or any Public Hospital in the State of Washington. Those of you that are elderly, disabled or over the age of 18 (and single with no dependents) BEWARE YOU ARE AT RISK as these same things I discuss in this blog can happen to you.
Even though the facts and data within your medical records explain what happened, no one at VMC will come to your rescue because they don’t read those (records) and have no adequate tie-in system between the doctors and staff. You will not be allowed to transfer to another hospital, the errors will not be reported (or discussed with you) and you will be blamed for all that occurred during your hospitalization. After all, it’s your fault you went in the hospital, right?
This blog discusses in detail the total system failure at VMC in following basic medical processes established to ensure patient safety, health and recovery. The State of Washington Department of Health (DOH - MQAC, Facilities and Licensing, the Nursing Commission) lack of ensuring compliance (the government auditing a government hospital) and the lack of UW VMC reporting the errors will also be discussed. Does the DOH know about these issues but chooses not to address them? You bet they know.
I will continue on this journey to expose all those that are and continue to be responsible for the occurrence of preventable errors in King County, Washington. MY SON WOULD BE ALIVE TODAY HAD ANY PROCESS OR PLAN BEEN ESTABLISHED AND FOLLOWED CORRECTLY AT VMC BY THEIR DOCTORS AND STAFF.
Ask yourself these questions as you read through this blog about UW VMC:
If this was your child, what would you do?
If you get bacterial infections within days of a procedure being performed – are you safe?
If Dr. C Gabriel Alperovich performs a tracheotomy on you (you have already acquired MRSA, Enterobacter and Bukholderia in your lungs from prior UW VMC procedures) then next Dr. Alperovich places a G-tube in your side and within days you have a new bacteria (Pseudomonas) in your gastrointestinal track/lungs and incision sites (Burkholderia shows up later) – wouldn’t you think that cross-contamination occurred and/or the surgery equipment wasn't sterile? Obviously Dr. Alperovich didn’t re-glove.
If UW VMC neurologist, Dr. Joy Zhao, tells you that your son is brain dead (they can’t do anything else to “help” Mark) and recommends (along with doctors Wall, Krell, Park, Bob Chapman [Rn] and others) ending his life with comfort care – and within hours of this “recommended death” your son wakes up and communicates with you – What would you do?
If you are strapped down to the hospital bed (arms and legs), intubated, heavily sedated, you vomit and a nurse isn’t around…what do you do? At what point does UW VMC Risk Management and the hospital legal staff review what has transpired with Mark (all the errors) and the risks and probabilities of Mark suing after his discharge (IF Mark was to live)?
VERY ALARMING: On Christmas day I have a conversation with Dr. William Park. He is concerned about the pseudomonas in Mark’s lung – pancreatitis is in control (it was not). I tell Dr. Park that Mark will fight the bacteria – the next day (under Dr. William Park’s command) Mark receives a drug called Dexamethasone (December 26 to January 7) which is contraindicated with the bacterial infections VMC gave Mark (MRSA, Enterobacter, Burkholderia and Pseudomonas). Dexamethasone and other meds caused the VMC bacteria to run rampant through Mark’s body (this is what happened to Mark's WBC levels while on this drug). This will haunt me for many years to come.Will you think twice (or even more) the next time you are hospitalized at VMC ~ or when one of your children or parents are?
This blog discusses in detail the total system failure at VMC in following basic medical processes established to ensure patient safety, health and recovery. The State of Washington Department of Health (DOH - MQAC, Facilities and Licensing, the Nursing Commission) lack of ensuring compliance (the government auditing a government hospital) and the lack of UW VMC reporting the errors will also be discussed. Does the DOH know about these issues but chooses not to address them? You bet they know.
I will continue on this journey to expose all those that are and continue to be responsible for the occurrence of preventable errors in King County, Washington. MY SON WOULD BE ALIVE TODAY HAD ANY PROCESS OR PLAN BEEN ESTABLISHED AND FOLLOWED CORRECTLY AT VMC BY THEIR DOCTORS AND STAFF.
Ask yourself these questions as you read through this blog about UW VMC:
If this was your child, what would you do?
If you get bacterial infections within days of a procedure being performed – are you safe?
If Dr. C Gabriel Alperovich performs a tracheotomy on you (you have already acquired MRSA, Enterobacter and Bukholderia in your lungs from prior UW VMC procedures) then next Dr. Alperovich places a G-tube in your side and within days you have a new bacteria (Pseudomonas) in your gastrointestinal track/lungs and incision sites (Burkholderia shows up later) – wouldn’t you think that cross-contamination occurred and/or the surgery equipment wasn't sterile? Obviously Dr. Alperovich didn’t re-glove.
If UW VMC neurologist, Dr. Joy Zhao, tells you that your son is brain dead (they can’t do anything else to “help” Mark) and recommends (along with doctors Wall, Krell, Park, Bob Chapman [Rn] and others) ending his life with comfort care – and within hours of this “recommended death” your son wakes up and communicates with you – What would you do?
If you are strapped down to the hospital bed (arms and legs), intubated, heavily sedated, you vomit and a nurse isn’t around…what do you do? At what point does UW VMC Risk Management and the hospital legal staff review what has transpired with Mark (all the errors) and the risks and probabilities of Mark suing after his discharge (IF Mark was to live)?
VERY ALARMING: On Christmas day I have a conversation with Dr. William Park. He is concerned about the pseudomonas in Mark’s lung – pancreatitis is in control (it was not). I tell Dr. Park that Mark will fight the bacteria – the next day (under Dr. William Park’s command) Mark receives a drug called Dexamethasone (December 26 to January 7) which is contraindicated with the bacterial infections VMC gave Mark (MRSA, Enterobacter, Burkholderia and Pseudomonas). Dexamethasone and other meds caused the VMC bacteria to run rampant through Mark’s body (this is what happened to Mark's WBC levels while on this drug). This will haunt me for many years to come.Will you think twice (or even more) the next time you are hospitalized at VMC ~ or when one of your children or parents are?
In summary of what caused Mark to die - too many hospital errors…
Because of the poor decision making abilities, not following simple processes and total arrogance of the UW VMC Intensive Care Unit (ICU) doctors and staff the following occurred:
UW VMC misdiagnosed Mark having medication withdrawal from abruptly stopping his previous medications and told us he was septic. The VMC doctors did not contact Swedish or Northwest Kidney Centers (NWK) to document the correct drugs and doses Mark was taking prior to hospitalization. If UW VMC had completed this basic NECESSARY STEP medication withdrawal would not have occurred (“Delirium”), Mark would have not been given medications known to cause toxic interactions with MAO inhibitors (“Liver Shock and Failure”), Mark would not have been intubated, Mark would have never received the Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI’s), and Mark would be alive today.
The combinations of drugs given to Mark on those first days at UW VMC were deadly and gave Mark the toxic side effects the staff were noting in their Focus Notes (respiratory depression, decreased blood pressure – sepsis; flu like symptoms; confusion, agitated, combative, anxious – delirious; etc.). This toxic combination caused Mark to stop breathing.
UW VMC doctors were given the facts and data to prescribe the correct antibiotics needed to fight the bacteria VMC gave to Mark but the VMC doctors continually ignore recommendations presented to them (from the University of Washington [UW], from their own lab, one doctor (Dr. Michael Hori) is said to be “in charge of prescribing all drugs for Mark.” VMC pharmacy did not perform their job in questioning these medication decisions made by VMC doctors – the administration of antibiotics was literally a “shot gun” approach. There is no check and balance system at VMC.
Note: Dr. Mary J Vancleave mentions in her Focus Note on November 21 that Mark should receive the antibiotic (and so does the UW) Ceftazidime – Mark finally receives his drug on January 12. Dr. Suzanne Krell is on duty and and order to discontinue this is written. On January 13 (per the bill) Mark receives another dose of Ceftazidime – again under Dr. Suzanne Krell’s duty someone discontinues it. Dr. Michael Hori finally prescribes this again on January 14 - the one drug that could have killed the Burkholderia VMC gave Mark and possibly saved him – under Dr. Wynne Chen’s duty someone again discontinues this antibiotic.
UW VMC doctors (Stefanie Nunez, Suzanne Krell, William Park, Richard Wall, Michael Hori, and the Pharmacy) were given the facts and data of Mark’s 2C9 inhibitor study (how your liver metabolizes medications) precautions but continually ignore this critical information and give Mark medications known to cause elevated liver enzymes (and damage/failure). UW VMC pharmacy and Gastrointestinal (GI) staff did not perform their job in questioning these medication decisions made by other VMC doctors - and this is their job.
5 VMC GI doctors were monitoring Mark (Doctors Christopher DiRe, Eric Yap, Daniel O’Neill, William Pearce, Duane Carlson and Frank Thomas). Mark had documented gallstones on November 26 (which none of them read the report). Mark was given medications contraindicated with pancreatitis/gallstones and none of these doctors followed through or verified the records as these are not listed in their Focus Notes. Mark’s condition deteriorated because of their negligence.
Note: Dr. Carlson and Dr. O'Neill are no longer on the UW VMC list of GI’s; Dr. Thomas tries to discontinue a drug contraindicated with pancreatitis/gallstones – his orders are ignored.5 VMC GI doctors never treated the pancreatitis and potential disrupted duct. Dr. O’Neill recommends a transfer and consult with Virginia Mason GI for a stent and his orders are ignored. There was minimal pancreatic tissue noted at Mark’s autopsy.
We tried everything in our power to have Mark transferred to Swedish where all his doctors were located including pay out of pocket for the ambulance transfer. We discussed our concerns with the doctors about the errors and that we lost all confidence in the UW VMC doctors ability to care for Mark (this is dictation from Stefanie Nunez). We were told Swedish rejected the transfer. There is no record of whom Dr. Mary J Vancleave contacted at Swedish (in her Focus Notes); UW VMC say Vancleave was not and is not an employee of UW VMC; Sound Physicians says she is not longer employed there, Swedish has no record of ever being contacted, she is now working for Swedish.
Of note: I personally called Swedish and discussed this with 2 people (the “Cap Rn” in Clinical Administration - Patricia (206-215-6656) and her supervisor Kathy Olsen (206-386-2529, pager 206-405-6653). Swedish is covering up the fact (per UW VMC) that they “didn’t want to get involved.”
To date, UW VMC has no idea which medications were administered to Mark. Based on my letter to UW VMC of an audit of only 3 medications (because the “Medication Administration Records [MAR]” differ from the “Detailed Hospital Bill” which differs from “Physician Orders”), "it may be the nurse did not give it for some reason or that the nurse did not remember to record it on the MAR.
As each of these doctors, that "were in charge," move on to other facilities I will update their links to where they are currently working so others will not be harmed - even if they move to other states.
This is only a few of the errors I discuss in Mark’s blog - please read on as all this can happen to you.
I am so sorry for your loss.
ReplyDeleteI just experienced a similar nightmare that started with Valley Medical.
My elderly mother called 911 on 2/16 with severe stomach pain. Due to proximity, the ambulance took her to Valley Medical.
A DAY later when I was called (A DAY LATER - I am the only family member left!), I rushed there from SoCal, to find my mother scared to death of the arrogant nurses and not having any idea what was going on.
I wont go through all the details, but the doctors did not follow standard procedure of doing a CATscan after a patient has consumed a 1/2 litre of of liquid to see what was wrong with the colon and sigmoid.
Instead, they took an xray, which shoes virtually nothing (other doctors I have told are appalled), and performed a colonoscopy on my 85-year old mother to relieve a twisted colon (volvulus). Read any medical journal and you don't EVER do that unless you've done a full CATscan and know the details on anyone over 78.
I arrived, had to deal with inept arrogant nurses, and fact they called a 'Code Grey' on my 91-lb mother, which means 2 big fat security guards came in and scared her into taking the medicine that she was concerned about because of complications prior, etc. for a 91-lb 85-year old lady. How low end can you get?
We finally got out, but 3 weeks later, after seeing REAL specialists who did a CATscan and found some major issues that existed for a while, my mother died because over 3 weeks, the ailment Valley Medical never even noticed, created a septic shock/infection and she died of multiple organ failure.
Am I pissed off? To say the least, and I am by no means finished with them.
We had similar unqualified help for my father who died 13 years prior. In the end, we transported him to Swedish, who were fantastic... but as with my mother's situation, it was too late.
Take my word - under no circumstance allow your family or friends to go to Valley Medical for anything serious. Just read all the other stories on the web.
RIP my Dear Mother. We love you so much.
Thank you for sharing your story, and I am very sorry for your loss. It's so hard to comprehend why you weren't called asap; it's unbelievable how they called a "Code Grey" and scared/forced your mother into taking meds that she was concerned about. This almost sounds like a violation of the "Standard of Care" and informed consent rules/laws that are out there to protect the patient. If I was you I would file 3 separate complaints: one to Qualis (Medicare beneficiary complaints), one to the DOH MQAC (doctor complaint); and one to the DOH for the nursing care. If you need some assistance in doing this, please feel free to send me a private email to karieturn@comcast.net and I can give you the details on how to get started. I do have another question for you, who were the gastorintestinal (GI) doctors that allowed this to happen to your mother - please send me a email. If you search this blog you can see the list of the GI's that saw Mark and the number of mistakes they made. I look forward to talking to you in the very near future.
ReplyDeleteI happened to see your car on the road on 6/12/12 (with "Valley Medical Kills" above the license plate). I am very sorry to hear what happened to your son. I, too, had a horrible experience with VM after a stroke involving an incompetent "file pounding" therapist ~ 2001. When I complained, I was shocked to receive a really defensive & threatening response from the hospital's counsel--in house, I think. (No attempt to resolve the problem, just an attack on me). I never did get the rehab I needed. My problem pales next to what you've endured, but know that you have my sincerest sympathies.
ReplyDeleteAlso re Washington State government agencies--unimaginably awful and unresponsive. The bureaucracy in this state needs an overhaul.
I hope you've hired a medical malpractice attorney, awful as the process of pursuing that type of case tends to be.
I am astonished at what goes on in this state and how much is ignored/swept under the rug.
Thank you for sharing what happened to you - I am sorry you also had to go through such an ordeal - I am glad that you lived through it but most likely still having issues and pain. So many people pull very close behind me to read my signage and I realize it needs to be much larger. This is in work. I have to get the word out because I'm hoping to save someone from going through what happened to my son Mark, and the many others. I still have nightmares and I miss my son dearly.
ReplyDeleteAs I hear all the stories from folks here on this blog, in my private email and when I take my vehicles out (and people stop and talk to me) I realize nothing has improved at VMC; in fact things have gotten worse. Change has got to occur and someone has to get it started. I now attend the Medical Quality Assurance Commission board meetings (doctors that protect doctors – and we the taxpayer, patient and family pay for this), am engaged in a patient advocacy group for the State of Washington, I continuously communicate with the hospital association (also Department of Health and many other agencies) and am getting ready to go public with Mark’s story. Thanks again for sharing your story and I wish you and your family the very best of luck. Spread the word because we can make a difference.
I am so sorry for your loss. Unfortunately, VMC hit our family twice. Once in 2005 and then again in 2011. We went to sued in 2005 because my Mother's death was ruled as 'hospital error'. The doctor settled out of court. The hospital got off even though we knew they had something to do it with it. We are just to tired to fight. Last year my Uncle was taken to VMC and he never left. After 3 days he had died. He entered with elevated blood sugar within a day he had major organ failure.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your note and I too am sorry for both your losses. I've heard so many different stories from others, a lot from people that see my vehicle and signage and want to talk. I would appreciate hearing what the doctor's name was that killed your mother - I realize that since this went to court you may not be at liberty to discuss. Did you ever find out what was listed on your uncle's death certificate as the cause of death and do you remember who any of the doctors were? Lots of people have sent me private email detailing the horrors they and their family have been through. Most recently I found out that Dr. Alperovich (he was performing surgeries over at St. Francis in Federal Way) and Dr. Hori are now involved in litigation from other errors. VMC and these doctors really need to be exposed. You can send me a personal email to karieturn@comcast.net. I too am tired but feel I need to keep fighting; I think I'm going to picket at VMC in the very near future (again).
ReplyDeleteThis was posted down in the blog: “Why do you think everyone that disagrees with you is from VMC, you seem very paranoid. I am sorry for your loss, but there is no one option for medical treatment.”
ReplyDeleteMy response:
I too am sorry for my loss; I am more sympathetic for Mark who lost his life due to preventable hospital errors. Mark was a wonderful, compassionate person – a son that most parents would dream of having as their child.
Most folks that have posted comments on Mark’s blog are not from UW Valley Medical. These folks have either gone to UW Valley Medical and been injured, their family member has died because of preventable errors or they are looking for reviews of UW Valley Medical (and their contracted doctors) for care and/or hospitalization. Some are in the middle of a lawsuit.
Comments I have disagreed with deal with errors that CAN and COULD HAVE been prevented – because of what these folks posted it is obvious they were there during Mark’s hospitalization or they are from other hospitals and see the same types of errors all the time. Of course, they blame it on the fact that we are human and make mistakes – that attitude is why preventable hospital error rates are escalating out of control in the US. If you believe these rates are going down, please read further and do your own research.
What concerns me is the preventable errors that occurred during Mark’s hospitalization should have been reported to the Department of Health – they were not. How can any hospital fix something if they refuse to acknowledge (and record) it happened? Do you really think going into the hospital is safe?
A couple of other comments posted were from folks in the medical profession that noted an inaccuracy (doctors writing on 1 focus note; the other dealt with information on the internet about Fentanyl) – I made those corrections. Another person posted a comment that there are many inaccuracies – I’m in the process of re-reviewing this blog but haven’t found any. What I have posted thus far is only the tip of the iceberg of what happened during Mark’s hospitalization.
If you disagree with something I posted: why not share that information and who you are (your name and why you are an expert)? I am sure folks would like to see a post from a nurse or doctor that has something logical to contribute. Even if I don’t agree with it - I don’t delete comments.
My last response to you is from your comment: “there is no one option for medical treatment.”
There are defined traditional approaches to “practicing medicine” that have worked for many years. I thoroughly understand that not all approaches work for each individual (depending on the condition i.e. cancer). Where I disagree with you is that the “one” option for medical treatment that should have been followed (but wasn’t) is LEADERSHIP. Had any hospital LEADERSHIP existed at UW Valley Medical when Mark was hospitalized, I would not be typing this now and Mark would be alive.
I’ll give you an example of “one” option for medical treatment (the one event that put Mark’s life in jeopardy):
What does a hospital do when they know a patient has been taking drugs for many years?
Is it traditional to cut off all previous drugs and let the patient go through medication withdrawal?
Is it traditional to intubate a patient going through medication withdrawal until those symptoms go away?
What is the “one” option for drug addicts (illegal drug use – Heroin as an example) going through medication withdrawal? Do we intubate them until the withdrawal symptoms go away or do we (the State) pay for clinics that provide other medications to “soften” medication addiction/withdrawal?
The one approach that solves this is to taper the medications down over time.
I could go on but that is what this blog is about – a hospital that is out of control and no one is driving the bus for the patient’s safety and well-being.
I am looking forward to your response.
I'm BACK!!! You fruit-cake! Give it up already! He is DEAD AND GONE!!!! MOVE ON!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI have a good idea about why you remain anonymous--- a mixture of shame and fear that anyone will discover that you are responsible for this sort of crass adolescent cruelty. I don't know who you are (although you obviously have a reason for responding as you do, and thus giving credibility to the claims made in this blog), but may I encourage you to consider seeing a therapist? True, you won't be able to remain anonyous, but perhaps you could get some help with your anger problems and for the way you seem to be reverting to the level of a 12 or 13 year old. It might be wise-- any decent teenage hacker could back-track your "additions" to this blog and paste your name all over this and other blogs, which woud humiliate you and your family, if you have one. [I have to admit I hope not-- I can imagine what sort of model you would be for your children, based on comments such as these.]
DeleteConegoZ, what great words - I wish I could hug you (and so do many others that read your response)! I hope you and others have had a chance to read the rest of this person's posts as they started immediately after I set up this blog. I heard from an ex-VMC employee that the word went out to employees and said they were not allowed to post comments on this blog. This initially started with their statement "Someone should follow you around your place of work and blog about all the issues there. I would love to read that you fruit cake." Of course I responded that "I would welcome an auditor, someone following me around at my place of work, to document things I do. I can never improve something unless I know there is a better way - I will never learn (about doig something wrong) if I am not told. Strange part is that VMC is required by law to audit - sadly they don't and are not held accountable. ConegoZ, thank you so much for your comments.
DeleteI don't know who would be such an ass as to post anonymously and then call you a fruit cake! Geez! I am a nurse and I see doctors making errors, as well as nurses. It is OUR responsibility as healthcare professionals to protect our patients at all costs. Whoever anonymous is obviously needs professional psychiatric help. Sounds like a real narcissist.
DeleteWhat's wrong you loser? Hmm, feeling the pinch now that your patients are looking for reviews of you online (medical malrpractice suits - I'm talking to your employees all the time)? You can always try to flip burgers or learn how to mow lawns - IF they would even hire you! You're pathetic and need to find another career...
ReplyDeleteJust a FYI but in one of your blogs you stated that both Dr. O'Neill and Dr. Carlson are no longer listed with UW VMC. They both retired and did not leave due to any negligence.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments and I realized both Dr. Carlson and O'Neill must have retired as neither was listed on the Southlake Clinic/VMC website. I removed my previous comment because I did want to point out I went ahead and posted "my" personal experience reviews of the doctors. Currently, in the State of Washington, no one (except the doctors themselves, the families involved, lawyers or the MQAC) have any knowledge of who is involved in medical negligence complaints/litigation. Since this information is not available to the public, I am assuming you are one of those. Thanks again for your comments.
ReplyDeleteIt is available to the public just so you know
Deletewhy was mark admitted in the first place?
ReplyDeleteI'm very sorry for your loss. There is nothing worse than losing a child. I'm afraid that this kind of incompetence is more the norm than not. I've had five surgeries in the last three years (for cancer) and although overall the care has been decent (at Virginia Mason), there have still been many small errors. Some of them could have ended up much worse than they did (including one time I was given a combination of Ativan and opiates post-surgery that led to two days of psychosis...it took a random nurse noticing that the amounts I was being given were far too high for that to get cleared up). I think you're doing the right thing, and honoring your son, by seeking to improve this situation. There are in fact many ways that hospitals can overcome "human error", including the implementation of checklists, so claiming that nothing can be done to avoid these kinds of mistakes in the future is completely untrue.
ReplyDeleteAnn, Thank you for your comments and I so agree with you. Your comment about the Ativan and opiates really opened my eyes - I didn't think about the psychosis that was involved. Thank you for sharing. I too can't believe that the healthcare profession is so slowly beginning to use checklists - aviation has done this for years. Why is it taking so long in healthcare (could it be our not so regulated regulatory?? [State of Washington DOH])? We still hear about surgical instruments being left in patients - don't they know about the "story boards??" Mechanics use these to ensure they don't leave tools on airplanes - why don't they get it? Is it arrogance or stupidity? At least we know they are reading this; I'm sure we both will see something in the news in the immediate future - mark my words. I for one (like you) know that all hospitals have errors. I've seen it live at Swedish - you at VM. While the errors at Swedish were "small" I didn't say anything - neither did Mark. We should have. I appreciate you realizing that I have to honor Mark - a kind, caring and funny son - I was blessed. My life hasn't been the same without him. Ann, thank you for responding.
DeleteThis is the latest pretty great book out regarding this subject:
Delete"Beyond the Checklist"
Martha, thank you for sharing the book. I'll add this to other links on the side.
Deletei myself was born at valley.. in the early 80's... i was born... so early at under 4 lbs.. that i was air rushed to childrens hospital.. where they saved my life.. i was treated at valley.. 2 yrs ago.. at ER.. where i had herniated a disk.. from a back injury a few months prior.. caused it to happen at home.. i laid alone in ER most of a day.. where dr's would not answer questions.. and tried saying what was going on .. with extreme pain and herniation.. that would not stop.. they told me.. that i didnt know anything.. etc i myself will never go to valley again.. ever in my life.. espec.. after reading ur blog.. my fiance.. and i .. had come across ur sons passing.. in the newspaper.. where we had to check this out.. as its rare where u see someone at our age.. in there..who had so much more life to live.. i am very happy we read your story and that ur still fighting for him .. even now.. for everyone to be aware.my fiance.. has heart disease.. we will be married in a year.. :) we def.. keep up to know everything.. as he has been in hospital in last few yrs.. as he had heart stents put in.. a few diff times.. and we have to be super careful on his care.. :) i really cant thank you enough.. for making sure everyone knows these facts.. it is very important.. ur son would be so proud... we are very sorry for your loss.. i have a 4 year old son..i could not imagine.. ur loss :) God Bless !!!
ReplyDeleteI can't even imagine being in the VMC ER with a herniated disk and being left there alone. No doctor's answering questions (I hope you realize now they probably didn't have a clue - probably because of their 26 OTHER PATIENTS) - there is an arrogance at VMC with their "contracted doctors" - they do NOT like questions from patients or advocates. From my experience, please realize that at least you got out of there alive and for that I am thankful. What worries me the most, and the reason I will keep driving forward with this blog, is the fact that elderly, disabled patients are at risk. We also have to realize that VMC is a business - they need to bring in revenue ($$$). I think they would do anything to "fill a bed ($$$)." Thank you so much for your story - I hope you find another place that will care for your 4 year old son; I would hate for him to become yet another statistic, like Mark. God Bless you and your family too! Hey, congrats on future wedding! Hope it's in a warm, sunny location!
DeleteI just read what happened to your son. I am so very sorry. I am an employee of Valley Medical Center and I can tell you that the administration of Valley is not concerned about patient safety only about putting more money in their pockets. The administrators don't even have their own healthcare needs or their families needs taken care of at Valley. I have seen so many irresponsible staffing decisions, financial decisions, and blatant misuse of tax dollars. I am continually perplexed that it continues. I had hoped with the University of Washington at the helm maybe things would change.I cannot imagine your loss. I applaud you for trying to make changes so this doesn't continue to happen. It happens way too often at Valley but is continually covered up.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your comments and you are not the only Valley employee that has come forward and said these same things. I cannot imagine how the employees feel seeing these things live. It’s horrendous just thinking about the taxpayer wasted money that should be used in so many other ways – like patient safety and rewarding those employees at Valley that are actually making a difference (are they allowed to?).
DeleteI have actually talked to employees about the surgical center and how “cutting the cycle time of cleaning the rooms between surgeries” is more of a priority (so they can do more surgeries and bring in more $$$) than preventing dangerous situations for the patients (i.e. bacterial infections, etc.). We won’t even get into the lack of sterilization of the surgical equipment and the falsification of the records (per the whistleblower’s lawyer) – I’m sure it’s a matter of cutting cycle time there too. I have often thought “WHY WOULD VALLEY WANT PEOPLE TO REOVER QUICKLY - WHY WOULD VALLEY WANT THE BACTERIAL INFECTIONS TO GO AWAY” as these scenarios are what bring in their revenue. We all know that medical errors cost billions each year – it’s a revenue generator for any hospital.
I can only imagine the irresponsible decisions (staffing, financial, etc.) that are being made by the “leadership;” we all realize this has probably gone on since they opened their doors for “BUSINESS.” I do remember some time ago that Rich Roodman (Valley’s “leader” PUBLIC HOSPITAL NUMBER 1) was making more money than our governor. No wonder why our State Department of Health will never make it known that Valley has harmed and even caused a death – that would be political and career suicide.
I can’t thank you enough for sharing this information with all of us. We all applaud you. There has to be some light at the end of the tunnel with the UW merger – maybe the public should show up for the board meetings and make comments? If you feel this would help, please let us know and I will arrange others to attend. You can always send a private email to me at karieturn@comcast.net
P.S. If you find out where the Valley administrators go for their (and they families) healthcare –we’d all like to know. Thanks again!
Sorry for your loss. I'm an RN at valley and love working there. Valley is one if the best Hospital in Washington state, believe me I've worked as an agency nurse and have been assigned to numerous hospitals in the area.
ReplyDeleteHospital infection happen all the time regardless of which hospital one is hospitalized . I'm sure none of the mentioned dr were intending to hurt Mark and were doing whatever possible to improve his health. If you feel he. died due to malpractice there are better channels to use than the web.
Thank you for sharing your comments. I have no idea what an agency nurse is and am assuming that a State or Federal program has placed you there for surveillance?
DeleteI, like many others, disagree with you in that Valley is one of the best hospitals in the state. Actually, if you go out and look up the latest hospital ratings you will see that Valley was given a “C” for their performance (www.hospitalsafetyscore.org). Is it possible you are you talking about Valley being one of the best hospitals to WORK for in the state? I saw the banner that was on the side of the hospital – most of us had to re-read it many times to see what they were #1 in.
As an Rn you realize that hospital acquired bacteria (HAIs) happen all the time. Prevention versus being lackadaisical (i.e. this happens all the time – no need to do anything about it) should be a hospital’s Number 1 priority – just “washing your hands” isn’t cutting it. What should concern all of us is that under The National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) (and not Centers for Medicare and Medicade Services as in the past) direction is to only have hospitals report very RARE bacteria and not the ones that kill most patients every day. If the public actually knew what these numbers were we’d never go into a hospital – even the Federal government has no idea (I know this as I have attended many meetings and pointed this out); they want to reduce HAI’s by 40% - but have no idea how many infections actually occur.
I hope that you have a chance to actually look at the Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI) surveillance system log that Valley Risk Management (or their Infectious Disease Officer) is supposed to maintain (per 42 CFR 482.42). While I know this MAY exist – I’m sure it’s not accurate - the Department of Health knows that I know (because I asked).
Your comment: I’m sure that most of the doctors didn’t intend on harming Mark.
My response: That is an interesting way to word your comment – you used “MOST “ and not the word “ALL??” Mark was harmed and Mark died.
Finally, There is no better channel to use (than the web) to get the word out on preventable hospital errors. There is also no better channel to get the word out that this all occurred in Renton. The public doesn’t have the option of looking up a doctor’s profile to see how many negligence claims have been filed and paid. We also have no idea how the hospital is actually performing (other than finically) and we have no idea how many patients are being killed by these bacteria. If I took your stance (just go and see a lawyer) no one would ever have known what happened.
Again, thank you for your comments – maybe you can make the much needed changes at Valley?
Yes malpractice could be an option but no amount of money will bring her son back. I am sure that VMC would love this blog to go away, but the public needs to know what a scary place Valley can be. It is true much safer to get on an airplane. I am sure you are an excellent nurse and love Valley. If this had happen to a member of your family I am sure you would not be so quick to dismiss. Valley needs to be quicker in identifying sepsis to save people. I see first hand the decisions Valley makes . Maybe they need more nursing staff and definitely a larger education base. More staff is added to overhead and the money being spent on Epic is unbelievable. Infection control needs to be a number one priority not billing. Maybe more nurses like you are needed.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone else not see this guy was 30 and on Dialysis?? What do you all think a complicated patient is? Has nothing to do where or who cared for him! All anger and grief uncontrollable. If the doctors didn't care or respect the fight he would not have spent 68 days in the ICU!!!! They were being honest. The longer someone with bad immune system is kept in an ICU and the more procedures asked or tried does not make for good outcomes. They were trying to keep him alive. You just can't see it.
DeleteDude, You obviously have some psychiatric issues. Total anger over this information being made public. We know that Mark was on dialysis as it's mentioned quite a bit in Mom's notes; Mark's photo is of him on dialysis. Duh. We all also know that being on dialysis is not a death sentence - people have gone 50 years on it without issues. I also think you are the one that keeps posting the childish remarks of "move on" along with another 2 I saw a couple of days ago. And yes, we all see it - you are disgruntled because this mom has taken a stand. You really need to get a life - smoke a joint and put down the benzos!! Move on!!
ReplyDeleteI just moved to Vancouver and I am very unfamiliar with the area. Does anyone know of a good medical clinic in Vancouver? I would greatly appreciate any suggestions! Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI was hoping that someone would respond as I do not know of reliable medical clinics up North. I do know that Canada is having the same issues we do in the US. I know of a couple of folks that have had issues in Canada with medical errors - I'll send them a note and post anything I find out here. We (in the US) have something called hospitalsafetyscore.org - you may want to search and see if you have something similar.
The most painful lost I can think of is a life lost because of something that could have been prevented if only people know what they are doing. Hospitals and all other medical institutions are where we depend on whenever we have health problems but sometimes, what seems to be the root-cause of problems are this institutions themselves. I don't look at legal grounds as good as an attorney but certainly, I am aware how it is troublesome to do medical malpractice and be under a medical lawsuit.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Linda Worton. I dont want to be annoymus its time My bf and I stand tall from what has infact happened to me the two babies I was carrying records proving I wasnt aware of my pregnacy (was told instead pre menopas instead) Records from surgical report everything appears great. Dr Burke's (surgeon have gallbladder removed).his notes from surgery suggest differ. I had sudden cardiac death still havent been informed from this hospital acquired infections 10mo later told cleared finally but the antibodics hasb damaged my liver knowing I had hepc which had just contracted unsure the cause I was given treatment showing no improvement and resulted to multiple infections resistant to multiple infections having damaging my liver purposely so the truth of two babies 20wks or more preg would stayed covered. I had infections day one from surgery not given ant ibodics after surgery had test showing hi counts yet ignored by Dr Michael Burke and Dr Sue Twei having to goto er valley month ltr near death becoming septic my battk e goes on I just now have some proof from imaging the babies exsisted that was denied. I was coded from a mental disorderv that has not once shown to be a problem with any medical staff which caused many doctors at valley then uw thwn multicare n covington to over look what should had bees done instead purposely given meds for wrong treatment urolgist wrote 5prescriptions in one day unsurevwhat to treat entercoccus when the culture stated what to give my story goes on and I dont no if sweedish is trustable inser gi from them tmrw posible liver cancer or cerrosis which theybcaused I can provide proof my liver health were good. I have swelling on right side foot handnpreventing me from doing things gaining 60lbs and I dont no where to go who to trust my life coulsbstill be in danger from negligence there so much occured during surgery blood given i qasnt aware of much more I dont know where to turn my bf and I are fighting by ourselfs for me getting no where im sick im in pain greatbdeal cant concentrate swellu ng n forehead confused mom contact us we could use info help withnimages we just received and help in general that could save myb life dazlindale@gmail.com is dale email he would be better explaining going further in details for I cant i getb lost disoriented confused having to think this is going on now and help would be appreciatef any advice anything so no one else has to suffer like mark has with his life. Im so sorry that happened I know in my heart to cover this upnlike they did trying that was want they were doung with me there too much go into on here im actually going contact ask jesse(news)) involvement exploiting the extremes measures used covering up from t he surgical mistake ignored neglectrd wrongful meds etc please email us we could use advice
ReplyDeleteDear Mom,
ReplyDeleteI came across your site searching for a different Valley Medical Center (San Jose). I'm a new RN (got the calling to be one at age 40) and am currently working on my MSN (Masters, nursing). I'm also a native from Issaquah.
My heart broke to read your story. My jaw dropped too, as I'm reading, in sheer terror to read of the doctor discontinuing your medication, the issue with not being able to transfer to Swedish, contraindicated meds and what appears to be absolutely no accountability. I am so sorry for your loss, and I know it won't bring your son back, but I real, ly hope more people see this. At the very least, you have educated people about things that need to be double checked and managed by parents and caregivers. I'm not surprised if you've saved a few lives.
I have a similar story with my brother who suffered first a TIA in Bellingham, sent to St. Joes, driven down to Harborview only to have a massive stroke when he should have received tPA (clot-busters for lack of a better word). To add insult to injury, the right side of his cranium (from a hemicraniotomy) was infected with staph, he acquired c-diff, and to top it all off, they forgot to give him heparin after his operation where, 3 weeks later, he developed a pulmonary embolism. The nurse practitioner caught it. He's now brain damaged, can't work, no motivation, and it was too much of a fight to pursue.
I hope you continue to fight, and you are in my sincere thoughts.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your note and we are all happy to see that a new Rn is reading and commenting - you are our future and how things will change drastically in the future even though it will be a huge challenge because of all the "old" medicine approaches to anything health care. You will see these same things I comment on, and sadly, what happened to your brother - swept under the carpet as they (the hospital, regulatory, etc.)continue to say is the patient's fault. I have talked to so many other people - I have lost confidence in our healthcare system. At least there is faith that you are the "new" generation, you won't stay quiet as becoming an Rn and studying for your Masters in a new era will cause change. We are all looking to you to help the patient and not a contaminated industry continue on a path that only kills. Thank you so much for your comments. We all wish you much success. Karie
I first heard about a VMC tragedy from a friend who works at an arizona personal injury lawyer. I never would have imagined that a single hospital could cause grievous act to a lot of people. I can understand hospital deaths, it's normal, but many people are claiming medical malpractice. Why is this? Shouldn't this case be brought to higher court since they seem to dodge the law every single time?
ReplyDeleteIf you or a loved one have been injured by a medical malpractice it is important to understand your rights and your legal options. It is also important to note that 93% of medical malpractice cases settle before trial- lessening the potential time that it will take you to recover for your injuries.
ReplyDeleteMatt Dolman Law Group
American Health Care Is Deadly
ReplyDeleteThe way to fix health care is to put the criminals who run American health care in jail. No American doctor has clean hands in this unless they are part of the solution. American doctors are happy whores for the medical corporations.
The monetization of medicine ans exploitation of human suffering for obscene profits is as evil as the Nazis. American doctors are agents of the American Medical Holocaust.
Thanks for this very useful info you have provided us. I will bookmark this for future reference and refer it to my friends. More power to your blog.
ReplyDeleteGreat article, It's one of the best content in your site. I really impressed the post. Good work keep it up. Thanks for sharing the wonderful post.ALOKA UST-9130
ReplyDeleteHi Marks mom,
ReplyDeleteI stumbled upon your blog while researching VMCs birthing center for the upcoming birth of my child. I am really sorry to hear about your loss. I cannot imagine what it feels like to lose a child. That said, I am also a very experienced ICU CCRN certified nurse. I read through your post and read a lot of incredible misunderstandings on your part. I found it particularly interesting what you left out of your post. It is clear to me that Mark was a very sick man before he ever came to VMC. Why would you not include anything about what brought Mark to the ER to begin with? Why did you evade the questions in previous comments? Is it because it does not fit your agenda of blaming? I pray that your anger may be replaced with acceptance and you may allow yourself to leave the bitterness. There are a few reasons Mark would have been on dialysis to begin with---- uncontrolled/noncompliant Diabetes type 1 (at his age) or high blood pressure, kidney, cancer or autoimmune disease or lastly--- history of drug abuse. What you have and have not mentioned leads me to guess the latter. None of this presents a picture of a man in stellar health as your post seems to imply. You seem to imply that Mark came in healthy and VMC made him sick. Yet he came in with a Dx of sepsis? I can assure you that all of the symptoms you listed are very much symptoms or sepsis and that I'm not sure how you have come to the conclusion that he was really just withdrawing. In fact, there is quite a difference. I'm not sure where your theory's have came from but your post clearly shows a lack of medical education and understanding. Did the hospital expose him to drug resistant infections? Yes, I'm sure it did. That's why we stay healthy and avoid the hospital-- and particularly the ICU. Especially someone like your son who appears to have multiple comorbidities and a subsequent weak immune system. Generally speaking-- only sick people get sepsis. It would also be very unlikely for a man with an apparently extensive medical history-- like your son-- to not already be colonized with drug resistant infections such as MRSA. Meaning that he self-infected. I'll also tell you a secret-- preventing all HAI's is nearly impossible. Especially considering many patients come in colonized. You can do everything right and still have a patient who becomes infected. The hospital cannot control everything. In fact, for the control that you are insisting on-- do you realize that YOU should have never been allowed to visit your son? Did you scrub your hands for 60 seconds and change your clothes in decontamination room before entering his in full PPE?? I doubt it. It's my personal observance that family members are one of the major spreads of bacteria in hospitals. Did you hold your sons hand in bed? Did you touch things in the room with your hands and clothes. Did you properly sterilize your entire body before leaving and then touching door knobs and elevator buttons that are touched by everyone else in the hospital? I doubt it. Why was your son on a MAO inhibitor? Did he have a history of drugs and severe depression? If like you have said-- he was a regular at Swedish-- why did he go to VMC? My experience will tell you that your story implies that your son was a "hospital shopper" which refers to a noncompliant medical history or drug seeking behavior. If Swedish was where he was "known" and where his doctors were then logically he would go there when sick-- unless trying to trick the system.
I can assure you that VMC would not have been able to proceed on an admission without a medication list. Where you there when he was admitted? If a patient is able to state their mediations and dosages then why should we call previous hospitals? If anything we call their stated pharmacy. It is impossible for us to verify their medications with every doctor and every hospital they have been to-- especially if there is a lot. But I'm sure if you were a nurse-- you would do that, right? Also, FYI, a patient who is hospital shopping does not typically disclose all of their medical history or that they were just previously at another hospital. Also, about the dexamethasone-- I'm sure that goggle has told you that it is a steroid. What you don't understand without an education in pharmacology or the pathophysiology of disease is WHY it was used. Having a MRSA infection or an infection in general is NOT a contraindication for the use of this drug. Not sure where Google told you this. In fact, everything I have read tells me that there were several reasons WHY your son needed the help of steroids-- such as this medication. Do we sometimes give drugs that could be potentially contraindicated? YES. It is a fine line in the ICU girlfriend. If you avoided all potential medical "contraindications" then your son would have received NO treatment based on the information you provided. Your son sounds like he was in ARDS. The only reason that steroids can be claimed to be contraindicated because of the infections you listed is because they are also potential "immune suppressants". Should we allow his ARDS to advance and his oxygen rates to suffer because you think in your "medical training" that he shouldn't have been on steroids? The steroids would have also treated the inflammatory processes going on in his pancreas/ect.
ReplyDeleteDid the steroids cause his infections to run rampant? Unlikely. His sepsis and failed immune system is what did that. What was his medical history again? Are you also claiming he was on the wrong antibiotics for months? I guarantee that they ran multiple cultures. After all, you have stated all of his infectious microbes. Clearly they did. The antibiotics to cover this stuff is pretty basic. They weren't shooting from the hip. They were using "broad spectrum" antibiotics to cover all of the big guns. Does his medical record report NO Vancomycin or Levaquin was given? I doubt it. Your son would NOT have lasted as long as he did without receiving proper antibiotics. Clearly they were doing SOMETHING right.
ReplyDeleteIf certain medications were not documented on the MAR for several days then there could be several legit explanations. However, if they were ordered then the medical system in place (I'm guessing VMC was on Epic?) would have prevented them from proceeding without documenting a reason. Were they oral medications? Did he not have oral access? Had his NG tube been pulled? Were they waiting until his PEG was placed and confirmed? Was he vomiting as you say and been placed NPO? Were there not equivalent IV meds available?
When your son was little were you right there to catch him EVERY single time he fell? Did you sleep next to him every night just to be sure something didn't happen? I doubt it. It is IMPOSSIBLE for nurses to catch everything. We cannot be sitting there with suction in our hands waiting- just in case your son vomits on the vent. I can tell you- it is rare. Also likely is that he didn't really vomit- but rather had ample secretions. Families perception of what goes on in the ICU is OFTEN different than reality. They simply don't have the experience to understand the numbers. I can also tell you that there are several safeguards in place for when someone vomits and that if your son was truly vomiting then the "high peak" pressure sensor on the vent would have started going off immediately and someone would have come in. If they didn't, shame on them. If he had ARDS then he probably high peaked a lot.
ReplyDeleteDo medical errors happen in the ICU? Absolutely! Doctors and nurses are imperfect and some are dumbasses-- to put it bluntly. Although I will tell you that the average Joe does NOT get into med OR nursing school. Unseasoned nurses are not typically working in the ICU. The nurses who commented on this blog already are clearly inexperienced and have never worked in the ICU. Apples to oranges and the complexity (as you have pointed out) in the ICU takes a lot of advanced education-- beyond nursing and medical school. I HAVE seen medical errors (mostly misdiagnosis and mistreatment) contribute to the death of individuals in the ICU but I have never felt them to be the cause. Nothing in your post pointed to any torts occurring. Your blog also tells me (without telling me) that you have been unsuccessful in any legal pursuits thus far. You could argue the failed transfer but you'd have to prove he would have survived if he did and that Swedish had something to offer that VMC didn't. Also, they're right- Swedish had to have an accepting doctor. It's likely that it was obvious- to everyone BUT YOU that he was a dying man. No offense, you also sound like you were also in denial and expecting a miracle that no one could perform. The docs at Swedish looked at his records, saw the obvious and obviously knew that his mom was maybe being a pain and weren't gonna signup for that. You are questioning, blaming and critiquing everything-- looking for somewhere to place fault now- and its likely you were doing this at the bedside. I apologize if I am wrong. It's VERY difficult to get another hospital to accept a dying patient. I am surprised that VMC was able to keep his body alive for that long in the description you have provided. I doubt anything they did or didn't would have changed the outcome. It was simply his time to go. We cannot understand or explain all things. Again, what a difficult time you went through. What a horrible loss you have experienced. I am sure that VMC did everything they could for your son.
Did you take the time to thank the nurses who cared for your son? Did you write a card or bring something simple like chocolates to show your appreciation? Did you take time away from demanding a miracle to appreciate the sacrifices being made by strangers? The things they did for your son are things that few people would do. How many times did you have to leave the room so that they could clean the stool that his body continually produced while on tube feedings? Or they broke their backs trying to turn and keep him propped up in bed. How many days did his nurse miss her lunch or go 8 hours without eating because he was having a bad day? Did they work through their own family issues or leave a sick kid at home to make sure there would be enough nurses to care for your son? How many of them silently prayed for you and your son? In your anger and heartache- there are many things to be grateful for. You state that he would be here if they never touched him-- but perhaps he would have been gone a lot sooner if they hadn't. You were blessed with time to say goodbye to your son. Some mothers are not given that.
ReplyDeleteI could go on and out about the misunderstandings and misinformation that I read in this one article on your blog but I'm trying to type on my iPad and I need to get to bed. I am suspicious that you will delete this posting anyways. I pray that your heart finds rest and that one day you may move on with your life.
-LeeAnn, RN, BSN, CCRN-- I am in NO way affiliated with VMC!
LeeAnn, RN, BSN, CCRN, leeannabanana,
ReplyDeleteWow, another person hiding behind the anonymity of posting on the internet. If you are really an Rn, what an embarrassment you are to the nursing and medical community as a whole. With your attitude no wonder why over 440,000 people die each year from medical error.
Ok we will pretend you are a Critical Care Rn – a Super-CCRN that doesn’t work for Valley and are looking at Valley’s birthing center. It is very interesting that you are not going to your place of employment/hospital for the birth of your child. It certainly begs the question of where you work and why you aren’t going there; could it be medial error or hospital acquired infections there? Most likely.
No offense, girlfriend, but you don’t have your medical facts straight and I only have the time to point a few of them out in this post.
In your 5 posts, all in 1 day, all posted around 2:00 in the morning it leads me to believe that you have a lot of time on your hands. You are clearly not that super busy CCRN that is pregnant, goes in early, misses all of her lunches, leaves work late and even leaves her children home sick so she can go to work and be the Super-CCRN. You then stay up till the wee hours in the morning commenting on blogs. You may want to spend more time on researching a birthing unit in a different hospital.
A couple themes come to mind throughout all your anger, ranting and raving. One is prevalent with healthcare workers – you always blame the patient and/or their family for errors that cause harm and death of patients; it must be in your college books. Had you obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree with a Project Management emphasis (focus on business and law), a third party Quality Management System audit credential and were certified in root cause analysis you would understand all this more. BTW, I also attended registered nursing school. Actually, some of the crap you wrote is making it hard for me to believe you really are a nurse as it shows you haven’t even kept up with the current issues/studies going on at a Federal level. Have you completed any CME?
I don’t have to be a nurse or a doctor to understand failures in the healthcare system to follow basic process, procedure and protocols. It is all about facts and data girlfriend. This blog is actually good for Valley as it serves as an independent review from a non-medical professional, certified in internal audit of quality management systems, on all the medical errors that happened to my son and eventually killed him. Of course, they are probably above Quality.
Here are just a couple examples from your posts where you are completely wrong. In some cases I have pointed folks to the citation where they can get the real facts:
Your post: Only sick people get sepsis
ReplyDeleteIt’s all over the internet girlfriend, anyone can get sepsis. People with diabetes, cancer, HIV infection, previous chemotherapy, as well as corticosteroids users or those with any form of immunosuppression are more susceptible to severe forms of infection. BTW, I thought you said that Dex doesn’t cause issues with infection – really?
Your post: Preventing all HAI’s is nearly impossible
You might want to tell Carolyn that she is wrong. Per Carolyn Clancy, MD, Director, US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ): “Infections are not an inevitable consequence of health care; they are preventable"
Your post: Family’s perception of what goes on in the ICU is OFTEN different than reality
Per the U.S. National Library of Medicine – National Institutes of Health: The medical records of hospitalized patients were reviewed for medical errors and patients were interviewed about medical errors. Three times more serious medical errors were known by patients compared to the number recorded by doctors in medical records (Weismann JS, et al. 2008).
Per the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services): Studies in the inpatient setting have found that patients often report errors that were not detected through traditional mechanisms such as chart review; indeed, patient-reported errors formed the basis of landmark studies of adverse events after hospital discharge.
I guess they are also wrong because you said so – right Leann Super-CCRN?
Your post: Unseasoned nurses are not typically working in the ICU
I hate to keep telling you this but YOU ARE WRONG ONCE AGAIN as I saw it live in the Valley ICU – temporary nurses reporting to another temporary nurse that hadn’t worked there in years – and they couldn’t figure out how to turn an alarm off the iv medication machine alarm in the ICU! And of course, you are going to Valley to have/deliver you child – God help you.
Your post: Having a MRSA infection or infection in general is NOT a contraindication for the use of Dexamethasone.
I guess you weren’t reading that Mark had antibiotic resistant Burkholderia cepacia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa that he acquired very quickly at Valley – his WBC went off the charts when Dex was given to him. The other side-effect of Dex was the amount of swelling it caused – not a real good choice for fighting inflammation. Oh, but you said that was ok because you are a Super-CCRN. Wrong again, girlfriend.
Your post: Family members are one of the major spreads of bacteria in hospitals.
Wow, now I think you are smoking crack and it isn’t legal. The major spread of HAI’s in healthcare are caused by the healthcare workers not washing their hands. In Mark’s case he acquired the Burkholderia from a doctor that did not wash her hands properly (Dr. Nunez), the Pseudomonas from a doctor that didn’t re-glove after a procedure (Dr. Alperovich – he was going through a foreclosure of his home – an excuse?). If what you said was true, why are the CDC, CMS, NHSN, AHRQ, our DOH and others tracking HAIs that occur from catheters, C-Diff (antibiotic over-use), ventilators, and surgical site infections? They must be wrong since you don’t agree. Why else would healthcare workers be audited for washing hands if the family members are the source?
Not only are you wrong about the above but you are way off base and wrong in your analysis:
ReplyDeleteMark was NOT a very sick man before he ever arrived at Valley - Mark had gallstones which lead to pancreatitis
Mark was NOT a drug user
Mark was NOT a diabetic
Mark was NOT a dying man so Swedish wouldn’t accept him
Mark was NOT a hospital shopper
The antibiotics to cover this stuff is pretty basic (REALLY? IF YOU FOLLOW THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE C&S IT WOULD BE, BUT VALLEY DIDN’T)
The staff broke their backs trying to turn him and keep him propped up in bed (YOU WEREN’T THERE GIRLFRIEND – IF THEY DID WHY DID MARK GET 3RD DEGREE BEDSORES WHEN HE WAS ONLY 29 YEARS OLD? BTW, THESE ARE ALSO PREVENTABLE. I have seen hospice patients in the hospital, that have less than a week to live that get turned each 2 hours on the dot. How come it took VMC CCRN’s 4+ to do this?)
Note: From most websites: The primary way to prevent decubitus ulcers is by turning the patient regularly, usually at least every 2 hours. Efforts to relieve pressure to avoid additional sores by moving the patient have been documented since at least the 19th century.
I also find it rather repulsive that you think that you and your opinion are correct and above everyone else. You criticize other nurses because they offer a differing opinion than yours. Well, it’s finally time for me to finalize this blogspot and post the legal summary of what happened to Mark so all those folks looking for reviews of Valley and their doctors know exactly what happened as it can and will happen to them. I have heard from thousands of other folks that have lost family members due to error; I have also heard from Valley employees (and talked to a couple of their lawyers). To you, all those patients would be at fault for their own deaths because they went into the hospital. I am sure Valley will be very happy that you caused me to finally post this.
I will have this blog updated very soon and poke holes in everything you have posted – I promise I won’t take your posts off this blog as it will really show the stupidity of healthcare workers. You only have a basic understanding of what all can go wrong in the ICU – maybe this has to do with where you work.
I will say one thing that I have said before. At Valley there were very, very good nurses, good nurses and a couple bad ones. Yes, we did bring in cards, chocolates, cakes/food, and made gifts for the staff that were going above and beyond their job. There were a lot of nurses in this category. Some of those Valley CCRN’s (with a couple exceptions) were the Super-CCRN’s that you will never be.
It appears that you have gone into a career that is demanding and you have real issues with patients and families; you also think that because you are human you are allowed to make mistakes. You obviously don’t read the news as often as I do, and you did little research before you posted. Might I also suggest that you focus your anger and uneducated medical opinions on your own family? Be sure and look up Washington Advocates for Patient Safety and Consumers Union Safe Patient Project. You’ll see how I got over the anger. As my time permits, I also go to Olympia to testify on healthcare related House and Senate bills and attend various DOH meetings – ones that benefit the public. Do you girlfriend?
You should be ashamed to consider yourself at a higher level than all other Rn’s; I have known many and respect the job they do. It’s a tough job and not for everyone; I know this personally. You are not a Super-CCRN.
ReplyDeleteAnd one last thought, if Valley is reporting a 30% decline in revenue due to various reasons – how could Valley turn a profit? It’s called medical error girlfriend. Healthcare is a business - people read reviews, blogs and do their research. Patient’s have a choice. With the media attention these days on errors and reporting, the truth will eventually come out.
We will see who the dumbass is (no offense intended). I will post the legal summary within 2 weeks.
The DOH and VMC – government corruption at its finest.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing such an amazing and informative post. Really enjoyed reading it. :)
Health Plan Administration
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