VMC Renton, Washington: where death happens and no one seems to care


The below are my reviews of the VMC doctors that were “in charge” of Mark’s health care. My reviews are based on what I saw, heard (in the hospital) and what I found in Mark's medical records. Be sure to go out and check these doctors out on the internet – some say they are/were “Seattle’s Best Doctors” but ask yourself the question – “Did they strongly encourage the staff at VMC do the voting?”

This section is still in work. You can locate these doctors on the VMC / Southlake Clinic websites. Be sure to also read other reviews posted on the internet - and keep an open mind.

January 13:
Dr. Michael Hori comments that “they” have done a heck of a job with Mark (he thinks they have performed well?). Valley has no antibiotics to treat Pseudomonas.

Per our veterinarian: his father also died (because of errors) at VMC ICU. “I would never hire any of the VMC ICU doctors to work in my practice. At my practice I always have qualified personnel to watch over our surgery “patients” even over night; this doesn’t happen at VMC.”

Per a University of Washington doctor: I ask “Now that Valley Medical Center (VMC) and the University of Washington (UW) have merged – do you consider yourself an equal doctor to a VMC doctor?” The response was “NO, and we do not like being associated with VMC and their bad reputation. That’s a really bad place to go.”

Per one doctor I respect the most – from Swedish:

“I extend my utmost sympathy and compassion and outrage at the loss of your son, Mark….to die as he did savages the heart.

Sadly, what you describe is not an isolated phenomenon, but a preverbal malignancy in the practice of medicine. There is no one to blame save for physicians themselves who turn blind eyes to these processes and sell their oath for scattered pieces of silver. This is not all physicians, but enough to allow corruption to go unchecked. I apologize if I am brutal. What happened to Mark may have been preventable. I applaud your championship. I share your grief for your son; perhaps you will share mine for the looming death of Hippocratic practice of medicine.”

My Reviews (my opinions based on what I saw at VMC, what I heard/documented and what is contained within Mark's medical records):

Dr Michael Mena – Moved to another facility
In my opinion, Dr. Mena’s attempt to follow the proces could have saved Mark from going through the medication withdrawal had he stayed Mark's hospitalist for at least another day and got the Swedish records for Mark's prior prescriptions. Dr. Mena writes down at least 3 times that he wanted the Swedish records. He then hands off to Dr. Goda (who doesn't review Dr. Mena's orders or ensure those are ordered from Swedish). 

Dr. Ichiro Otsu Moved to another facility
In work


Dr. C. Gabriel Alperovich
AVOID. I have had more individuals contact me privately from this blogspot to discuss Dr. Alperovich. Dr. Alperovich used to work at St. Francis Hospital in Federal Way doing gastric bypass surgeries. The first thing I think of is the cross-contamination of the VMC bacteria (and introduction of more bacteria) that occurred when Dr. Alperovich performed a tracheotomy then a G-tube (in that same order). Within days another new bacteria, Pseudomonas, was identified on Mark's tracheotomy incision (then lungs); soon after both bacteria were in Marks gastrointestinal track. I am concerned about the obvious lack of re-gloving and the use of non-sterile technique.  It’s either those or the operating room and equipment. You be the judge; some of you have already told me.

AVOID. I have also had a lot of contact from this blogspot to discuss Dr. Hori. If you are looking for an infectious disease doctor that doesn’t seem to understand infectious diseases - he's you guy. Dr. Hori will throw the patient “under the bus” even though he is aware the bacteria came from the hospital. Dr Hori's shotgun approach to prescribing antibiotics scared me (he stopped all antibiotics right after Pseudomonas was identified - I asked why and they were restarted again). Dr. Hori also said that a 2C9 poor metabolizer (how your liver metabolizes certain prescriptions) was for psychiatric drugs - wrong again Dr. Hori. You have to have a busy job at VMC with all the Hospital Acquired Bacteria; sounds like a "revenue generator" to me.


Dr. Joy Zhao – Moved to another facility
AVOID. If you are looking for a neurologist that will tell you your loved one is brain dead, recommend comfort care to end their life, then your loved one wakes up and communicates – she’s your doctor. What more can I say other than I’d find another neurologist.


Dr. Richard Wall
AVOID UNLESS YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT FOOTBALL. If you are looking for a doctor that would rather be playing football - he's your guy. He will tell you he will be the "Quarterback for the team" - to drive your loved ones health care and direct all the doctors to ensure an adequate tie-in between each (so silo medicine isn't practiced). It's almost like one stop shopping - then he will leave and not come back. When the going gets tough - Dr Wall gets out of there and fast - just like he did when Mark was going through medication withdrawal, being over-sedated and intubated on those first days. And Dr Wall is the VMC ICU Medical Director?

Dr. Suzanne Krell
Last time I looked,
Dr. Krell’s rating on the internet: Bedside manner: 0
AVOID. What a fitting review of Dr. Krell. If you are looking for a doctor that intimates everyone around her - she's your gal. If you are not strong and assertive - she is not your doctor. Dr. Suzanne Krell thinks Dr. Suzanne Krell is the best. One day I wore in a sweatshirt from UCSF School of Medicine - Dr Suzanne Krell was the first to point out that she also worked at Duke and VA Mason. I wonder why Dr Suzanne Krell is working for Southlake Clinic/Valley Medical Center? Hmm, that is very interesting. A recent Geico commercial reminded me of Dr. Krell. Oh, and did I tell you she always has 26 OTHER PATIENTS AND NOT ENOUGH TIME (In an ICU)?

In the wrong business. Dr. Chen should be ashamed of himself. Maybe it’s because he is too busy trying to take care of all his patients. He did seem sincere, but then I read in Mark’s medical records that another patient came down with the bacteria, Dr. Chen talked to the lab and Dr. Chen said nothing while the other doctors blamed it all on Mark. Dr. Chen, you make a good old school doctor in non-disclosure of facts and data and YOU DON’T KNOW HOW TO READ. You have so much potential - the status quo at VMC will not work for your career. Get out of there while you are young and can recover - unlike Mark.

Dr. William Park
AVOID. If you are looking of a doctor that "doesn't know" he's your guy. I have never heard a doctor say "I don't know, go ask (insert other doctor's name here)" so many times. Under Dr. William Park’s command, Dexamethasone was prescribed to Mark which caused the VMC bacteria to eat through Mark's gastrointestinal track. It was horrendous watching Mark suffer and die in that manner. Dr Park, you are scary but at least you can blame it on the fact that "you didn't know."

TBD. We called Dr. Nunez the Dr. Suzanne Krell “Mimi Me.” Dr. Nunez tries to insert herself like Dr. Krell (OH, she also has 26 other patients), however, she does not. At least she listened to what we said (and documented this in her focus notes (handwritten)) – “we (the parents) lost all confidence (because of the errors) in the doctors at VMC.”

Dr. Amy Morris Moved to another facility; at least she documented a lot of concerns correctly and had she been in charge things may have turned out differently. 
In work

Dr. Lindy Klaff
In work


Dr. Mary J Vancleave – No longer at VMC – now at Swedish.
AVOID. Per the internet: "practicing medicine" for 5 years. It appears that
Dr. Vancleave is now working at Swedish. Both Southlake Clinic and VMC made it a point to tell me she wasn’t working at either location now. Dr. Vancleave has no business practicing medicine in an ICU - at the cost of your loved ones lives - she is a hospitalist with no real specialized training. She cannot handle pressure or making critical decisions on the spot. Dr. Vancleave gets a lot of hits on this blogspot – almost as many as Dr. C. Alperovich.

AVOID. MISSING IN ACTION. If you are looking for a doctor that is "missing in action" during critical times (and most of the time thereafter) - which means you won't see her but she will bill for her services - she is your doctor. Since I only talked to this doctor 1 time (and she billed for 10 days) I'll let you be the judge.

Dr. Ajay Kundra – No longer at VMC – can’t locate
In work

Dr. Khalil Shasha
In work


Dr. Christopher DiRe
AVOID. MISSING IN ACTION. During critical discussions Dr. Christopher DiRe will actually take other phone calls which could not be as important as one of your loved ones health. I'm sure those phone calls were his wife or children asking "dad" what's for dinner and "can you pick this up at the grocery store." Dr. Christopher DiRe there is something called "Voice Mail" and I'm sure your office staff can take messages and "Text." OR, maybe you were trying to avoid the entire conversation because you didn't have a clue as far as status. Dr. Christopher DiRe also billed for his services in November (I never talked to him and I was there) and shows up in December (which I thought he was another new doctor). It's amazing these doctors can bill a patient and the insurance company without seeing the patient. Hmmm, now that's something to look into. 

AVOID. MISSING IN ACTION. If you are looking for a doctor that is "missing in action" pretty much ALL the time - which means you won't see him but he will definitely bill for his "services" - he is your doctor. If you ask Dr. Eric Yap questions, of course he will not make eye contact and will speak so soft you can barely hear him. Is this because he doesn't know what is going on? He will also tell you he will get back with you - you will never see him again. At one point I had to ask who the GI was this week because no GI’s ever came to Mark's room, it was Dr. Eric Yap. Hmm, I'm seeing a trend here with VMC/Southlake Clinic GI doctors...
AVOID. MISSING IN ACTION. At first we really liked Dr. William Pearce and his appearance of a "genuine nature." My opinion of Dr Pierce has changed because of a critical meeting we had set up with all the doctors involved in Mark's care. Dr. William Pearce decided to eat lunch instead (I saw him in the VMC cafeteria check-out line minutes prior to this meeting - I was getting coffee) and send another doctor that knew little to nothing about what was going on with Mark; AND Mark was dying. In hindsight, thanks heavens they sent Dr. Duane Carlson (he told the truth) instead of Dr. William Pearce. Hopefully, you choked on your lunch.

AVOID. Dr. Frank Thomas never gets it right; actually he never bothers to review any tie-ins from previous lab work (you should have read Mark’s lab work saying he had gallstones). You should also have read the other doctors orders – like when they prescribed drugs that should not have been when a patient has pancreatitis and gallstones. You should be ashamed of yourself. Maybe it’s time for Dr. Frank Thomas to go back to medical school?

Dr. Duane Carlson - Retired
GOOD LUCK TO YOU. The first time I saw Dr. Duane Carlson he said to me "how long has your son had liver disease" I responded "since he has been in your hospital." Dr. Duane Carlson looked at me funny and said he will go and review the records and get back to me - he did not get back with me. Dr. Duane Carlson however ordered the gallbladder ultrasound right after this conversation and due to him actually trying to make a difference – Mark’s gallstones were located. Of course, the doctors rotated and Dr. Frank Thomas didn't read the report nor did any VMC GI's after that. Dr. Duane Carlson was also the doctor that told us (even though VMC tried to cover up the facts) that the bacteria were eating through Mark's gastrointestinal track. If you are looking for a doctor (as long as he will stay with you for the duration) that will try to find out what is going on and will be up front - he is your doctor. Dr. Duane Carlson, I wish you were the driver for Mark's health care - he might have survived. I wish you and your family much luck in your retirement.

AVOID. Your 7 blue index card technology doesn’t work - what was scary is that you didn't realize it. You never have any idea what the lab results were; or what was ordered because those are not on your 7 blue index cards. Did you ever use the VMC computing system - maybe one didn't exist? You could have printed out the most current information (from a computing system that contains "electronic" records) before coming into the patient’s room. I am still wondering why you put on your focus notes "Virginia Mason GI consultation" and that didn't occur. Most likely the same reason we couldn't get the Swedish GI second opinion. Do yourself and the patient community a service and stay away from medical practice until to learn how to use a computer.

The VMC Renal team should have been on point and contacted Swedish the very first 6 hours Mark was at their hospital. It appears that the Renal team discontinued the Sensipar an Gabapentin without consulting any other doctors (at Swedish) prior to doing this. Hence, Mark when through medication withdrawal.

Dr. Vilma Quijada
In work

Dr. Andrew Brokenbrough
In work

Dr. Frank Fung
In work


Bob Chapman, Rn – Moved to another facility
Bob has taken way too many management classes when his focus needs to be on integrity and managing all the errors and complacency among his hospital and staff of nurses. Bob, you need to do more "Gemba walks" and read your "Kaizen Newspaper." Maybe a little Value Stream Mapping might help along with Root Cause Analysis techniques and Compliance Risk Management assessments (and how about Compliance Self Assessments and Surveys to your customers - the patients and advocates). Bob, you don't have a clue – put down the pipe – it’s not legal yet.


Dr. Oliver Aalami – Moved to another facility
AVOID. Dr. Oliver Aalami needs a lot more practice in placing dialysis lines; and not on ICU patients. Case and point: Dr. Oliver Aalami goes to push the guide wire in (in Mark's neck - jugular vein) and says it is getting stuck on something and doesn’t want to push/shove it in. I tell him not to, and why don’t they place these like Swedish (via x-ray) so they don’t puncture something and hurt Mark. Victor (Rn) goes out and gets a different guide wire; Dr. Oliver Aalami bends the end of it then says it goes in easier. Later, Victor goes to use the new dialysis lines and they are not working. Victor is waiting for the dialysis nurse to come when I leave for dinner ~ 4:30pm. When I get back, Dr. Oliver Aalami had already come back to the room and had to re-do the dialysis line with a longer one (I find out why Christmas morning when I see Dr. Oliver Aalami ~ he says "the first one was too short because of where he had to place it in Mark’s neck.") So, how come Dr. Oliver Aalami couldn’t figure out that having to move the access incision/line placement up 2 to 3” might mean it will be 2 to 3” shorter at the end of the line? Dr. Oliver Aalami that is simple math. OMG, even my niece (who doesn't have her high school diploma yet) can figure that out and she's not a doctor.

In work


Dr. Mark Justus – Moved to another facility
In work

Dr. Kenneth Reger – Moved to another facility
AVOID. There seems to be a trend with VMC's doctors being able to place lines correctly. Case and point: Dr. Reger inserts a picc line and apparently it is placed into Mark’s heart too far (and the 2 x-rays they do on Mark don’t show the tip of it) causing the V-tec and heart rate indicators to go off every second. The nurse calls Dr. Reger back. Instead of Dr. Reger coming back to reposition the line; he tells the nurse (Cindy) to pull it out a bit and she won’t. Cheryl (ICU Rn) comes in and pulls it out a bit. Dr. Reger, if you place a picc line incorrectly, and you can't see the results of that placement via x-ray, and the heart rate indicators/V-tec begin sounding every second, isn't it YOUR responsibility to fix it (to reposition it) since you placed it? Wasn't an IV nurse (with specialized training) the one that should have "pulled it out a bit?"


Michele Bohl, Rn

Michele can turn on the tears just like I turn on my faucet. Michele can also "turn" on the patient. In a doctor conference I asked the question of what was causing all Mark’s massive gas (belching, the rectal tube bag full of gas, the G-tube incision gurgling with gas, bile, and infection, etc.). Michele restates my question (to her doctors) and says that the nutrition was causing all the gas (to cover up the fact of what really happened with the bacteria - Mark wasn't even getting TPN). Thank heavens Dr. Duane Carlson corrected her and told her “No - that would not cause those symptoms...” Always remember this (as a patient or advocate) - the Social Worker is hired by the hospital and will act for and with the hospital. The Social Worker is not a patient advocate.